Hello Everyone. I know that Christmas and the Holidays are upon us.. but now is the time for us to manage next years races or walks and to entertain a goal that we would like to accomphlish. A 5K, A triathlon, a Marathon.. whatever it is that your body and mind accept. Now is the time to take a few days off of regular training and look at the upcoming schedules of the New Year's offerings.
I hope everyone's Holidays are full of family and love, and everyone's addiction to getting healthy continues into the New Year.
We have such a variety of people that come into the R3 Store. It is a great reminder of what a healthy lifestyle can offer: lifelong friends that choose to finish a 5K, Sisters that walk for a cause, parents that drive their children to excel in running and sports, brothers from around the world running the same race, and then there is you...you with your own campaign and compelling passion not to win every race, not to win any race, but to just improve your last time.
To feel that last push of energy and to know that you did that, in that moment of time, that you pushed yourself to run just a little bit harder, to give just a little bit more, to desire something and drive to receive it.
It will be a great year ahead, whether the marathon is on the agenda or those first two miles.
I challenge everyone.. to find at least one person you know, just one...from the office, from your daycare, a family member, a close friend, a person you just met... to encourage them to take a walk, if they run, to finish a race. This race can be with you on a training run or organized race. Make it an event, make it an experience to remember. Some examples of fun things to do to get people motivated, hmm...that is easy.. (1)Dress up for the walk, I mean really dress up in your favorite funny, decorative gear and watch the heads turn,, time will go by so fast and your belly will hurt from laughing more than your legs.. (2)Walk or run to a place, once completed with your run, have a drink, have a healthy snack, have a coffee, run with the stroller to your babysitters and keep running after you drop the kids off. (3)Have an established run or race on the calendar (i.e. www.active.com or www.r3running.com are good websites. A suggestion is to have one more than 4 months away. Get as many people that you know to run or participate, either by support or watching and encouraging or just walking the event. Make shirts for your cause and get busy!!(4)Find a cause and have a reason. This is really the easiest one.
Lastly, be prepared, be safe and have fun.
FREE RUN, just bring your shoes, warm gear and your resolutions.
Can not to see you in the store for upcoming new items.
Take Care,
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Getting there... Dreaming ahead
Hello Runners!
I am pretty proud of myself. I managed to get in six days of running last week while travelling for Thanksgiving. That should be a given, but I am happy with myself. It helps that I have always really liked running on holidays. There is nothing better than getting up on Thanksgiving or Christmas before anyone else has made it out of bed. It is nice to take a little time on a holiday to just enjoy a quiet moment out on the roads while most people are at home safe and sound. I vividly remember one early Christmas morning in Ohio. It had snowed all night, and not a creature was stirring (not even a mouse). I sailed down country snow covered roads and felt like the only person on the planet. I took the opportunity to work on my Jimmy Stewart impersonation. My times have gotten better since then, but the impression is just as bad as ever!
I am still not getting in many miles, but the routine is starting to come back.I'm even suffering bouts of runner's guilt if I don't head out for some miles. Runner's guilt seems to strike after my breakfast has settled, or when I see someone else running. Now that the routine is feeling more comfortable, it's time to start planning ahead...
I'm thinking a spring half marathon to get me bumping up the miles during the winter doldrums, then a fall marathon. If all goes well (hold on to your hats) Boston in April 2011.
It seems silly to be thinking about a race in 2011 but, I am one of those people who needs the big event on the calendar. I need to pick a big race, train, and pick another big race. I truly admire those of you who can run everyday for the pure enjoyment of logging miles. I am genuinely jealous of you. My absolute favorite are the people who come out and race and have no idea what their PR is. They are totally in the moment. I'm always looking ahead (to the next big race) or behind (comparing times with the past). Even when I am out logging miles I'm thinking about the next race instead of just enjoying the run. Maybe one day I'll enjoy the everyday part of training, but until then I'll be looking at running through binoculars.
Keep it up!
I am pretty proud of myself. I managed to get in six days of running last week while travelling for Thanksgiving. That should be a given, but I am happy with myself. It helps that I have always really liked running on holidays. There is nothing better than getting up on Thanksgiving or Christmas before anyone else has made it out of bed. It is nice to take a little time on a holiday to just enjoy a quiet moment out on the roads while most people are at home safe and sound. I vividly remember one early Christmas morning in Ohio. It had snowed all night, and not a creature was stirring (not even a mouse). I sailed down country snow covered roads and felt like the only person on the planet. I took the opportunity to work on my Jimmy Stewart impersonation. My times have gotten better since then, but the impression is just as bad as ever!
I am still not getting in many miles, but the routine is starting to come back.I'm even suffering bouts of runner's guilt if I don't head out for some miles. Runner's guilt seems to strike after my breakfast has settled, or when I see someone else running. Now that the routine is feeling more comfortable, it's time to start planning ahead...
I'm thinking a spring half marathon to get me bumping up the miles during the winter doldrums, then a fall marathon. If all goes well (hold on to your hats) Boston in April 2011.
It seems silly to be thinking about a race in 2011 but, I am one of those people who needs the big event on the calendar. I need to pick a big race, train, and pick another big race. I truly admire those of you who can run everyday for the pure enjoyment of logging miles. I am genuinely jealous of you. My absolute favorite are the people who come out and race and have no idea what their PR is. They are totally in the moment. I'm always looking ahead (to the next big race) or behind (comparing times with the past). Even when I am out logging miles I'm thinking about the next race instead of just enjoying the run. Maybe one day I'll enjoy the everyday part of training, but until then I'll be looking at running through binoculars.
Keep it up!
half marathon,
Monday, November 23, 2009
Turkey Trottin
Hello Runners!
At the Turkey Trot on Saturday I got beat by a young man in high school and a 46 year old. I love this sport! (Not the being beat part. I am not really fond of that.) This is everyone's sport. A life long sport. Sometimes I feel bad for athletes in team sports. Once your high school or college career is over, chances are you'll never get that thrill again. A runner can compete just about every weekend for the rest of their life if they want. I think I still have quite a few years of improvement left, but even after that I'll be able to go out and compete against all the other old men in my age group and more importantly myself. This is a sport where I can pay my entry fee and race the best in the world. Not many athletes can say that. We runners are pretty lucky.
It was a beautiful morning for the race. I was a volunteer last year and nearly got blown away. Full results can be found here. Congratulations to Colin Johnson for picking up the win in very lonely fashion. It can be tough to win a race off the front and still run a good time. Evidently Colin doesn't know that. Congrats to Team R3's own Kate Hover for winning the women's race. Kate bounced back from a poor race at the Clarksville Half and strep throat to run a pretty impressive race. Running a good such race after a terrible one can be pretty hard too. Evidently Kate didn't know that. Congratulations to everyone else who came out, and thanks for supporting the local running scene.
I was pretty happy with my race. My time wasn't very good for me, but that was to be expected. More importantly I was closer to where I need to be mentally. Plus, it was more fun going to a race and spending time with friends than running by myself.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Keep it up!
At the Turkey Trot on Saturday I got beat by a young man in high school and a 46 year old. I love this sport! (Not the being beat part. I am not really fond of that.) This is everyone's sport. A life long sport. Sometimes I feel bad for athletes in team sports. Once your high school or college career is over, chances are you'll never get that thrill again. A runner can compete just about every weekend for the rest of their life if they want. I think I still have quite a few years of improvement left, but even after that I'll be able to go out and compete against all the other old men in my age group and more importantly myself. This is a sport where I can pay my entry fee and race the best in the world. Not many athletes can say that. We runners are pretty lucky.
It was a beautiful morning for the race. I was a volunteer last year and nearly got blown away. Full results can be found here. Congratulations to Colin Johnson for picking up the win in very lonely fashion. It can be tough to win a race off the front and still run a good time. Evidently Colin doesn't know that. Congrats to Team R3's own Kate Hover for winning the women's race. Kate bounced back from a poor race at the Clarksville Half and strep throat to run a pretty impressive race. Running a good such race after a terrible one can be pretty hard too. Evidently Kate didn't know that. Congratulations to everyone else who came out, and thanks for supporting the local running scene.
I was pretty happy with my race. My time wasn't very good for me, but that was to be expected. More importantly I was closer to where I need to be mentally. Plus, it was more fun going to a race and spending time with friends than running by myself.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Keep it up!
colin johnson,
kate hover,
Turkey Trot
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A big hill!
Hello runners!
A few of us headed to Camden TN this past Saturday to run the Pilot Knob 10k. Ouch... The course is an out and back and just happens to turn around at the highest point in our part of TN. It is a steep and brutal climb. It is the kind of hill that keeps going around corners, and every time you go around one you hope you are at the top. You aren't. Adding insult to injury is the fact that it is hard to come down too! Too steep to relax and stride back down. There are some more rolling hills on the way back to the finish line. It is a tough race.
I ran the Pilot Knob 10k in 2008 too (managed to win) so I knew what I was getting myself into. The thing is I was actually really looking forward to it. I like going to courses that you know are next to impossible to run fast on. Especially when I'm not in shape or low on motivation (like right now for example). You can just race and be happy with your effort. That's really what racing should be. Don't always get hung up on running a PR. Just be the best you can be here and now. Luckily if you stick to that strategy you will PR, I promise.
I decided I'd just go out with Chuck (who was just going to go out with the leaders). Shortly after the start there was three of us out front. Just after the mile mark I felt like I was working pretty hard and decided to conserve for the climb. Too little too late. Chuck and the other runner pulled away easily. My race plan had totally failed before the turn around. Two more racers past me on the ascent and I stayed in fifth the rest of the day. Chuck had a great day mentally, if not physically, and brought home the win. After the race he told me he just decided he was going to push it and win, instead of giving up and settling for second. That is a really good sign for Chuck, and a bad sign for the people racing him.
It is amazing how it can come down to something that simple. Just a decision to go. I've been in that position a lot. Sometimes I choose to go, sometimes I don't. I wish I knew the secret to making the right choice. Like the saying goes "If it were easy...".
Post race my leg felt pretty bad. I had to do some traveling on Sunday and Monday and didn't log any miles, so it remains to be seen if I've done any more damage. As I sit here typing it doesn't feel like it. I hope not. I have to choose to run tonight...
Keep it up!
A few of us headed to Camden TN this past Saturday to run the Pilot Knob 10k. Ouch... The course is an out and back and just happens to turn around at the highest point in our part of TN. It is a steep and brutal climb. It is the kind of hill that keeps going around corners, and every time you go around one you hope you are at the top. You aren't. Adding insult to injury is the fact that it is hard to come down too! Too steep to relax and stride back down. There are some more rolling hills on the way back to the finish line. It is a tough race.
I ran the Pilot Knob 10k in 2008 too (managed to win) so I knew what I was getting myself into. The thing is I was actually really looking forward to it. I like going to courses that you know are next to impossible to run fast on. Especially when I'm not in shape or low on motivation (like right now for example). You can just race and be happy with your effort. That's really what racing should be. Don't always get hung up on running a PR. Just be the best you can be here and now. Luckily if you stick to that strategy you will PR, I promise.
I decided I'd just go out with Chuck (who was just going to go out with the leaders). Shortly after the start there was three of us out front. Just after the mile mark I felt like I was working pretty hard and decided to conserve for the climb. Too little too late. Chuck and the other runner pulled away easily. My race plan had totally failed before the turn around. Two more racers past me on the ascent and I stayed in fifth the rest of the day. Chuck had a great day mentally, if not physically, and brought home the win. After the race he told me he just decided he was going to push it and win, instead of giving up and settling for second. That is a really good sign for Chuck, and a bad sign for the people racing him.
It is amazing how it can come down to something that simple. Just a decision to go. I've been in that position a lot. Sometimes I choose to go, sometimes I don't. I wish I knew the secret to making the right choice. Like the saying goes "If it were easy...".
Post race my leg felt pretty bad. I had to do some traveling on Sunday and Monday and didn't log any miles, so it remains to be seen if I've done any more damage. As I sit here typing it doesn't feel like it. I hope not. I have to choose to run tonight...
Keep it up!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Still trying to find motivation
Hello Runners,
I should be back. My leg seems fine, I'm healthy, not a good excuse to be found. But, I just don't want it yet. Every night I set an alarm for 5:00 am so I can get up and run. Every morning, I reset it for 6:30 so I barely have time to finish a bowl of cereal and hit the road. So I have to run after work, and it seems like a chore. I helped pace a friend of mine in the Clarksville Half Marathon last weekend, and I thought I was pumped and ready to go after that. Nope...
Who am I? I am definitely not the same guy who was training for Memphis last year. I've retained a surprising amount of my fitness, but none of my drive. Once I start a run I am fine. The problem seems to be starting. I know once I string some consecutive days together it will get easier and easier, even routine. I know I'm happier when I'm running in the morning and logging a lot of miles. So why haven't I strung together many consecutive days? Why aren't I running in the morning and logging a lot of miles? I have no idea. That's just not who I am right now. Right now running 5 days a week (or even less) and only 5 miles a run (or even less) seems like enough.
What I do know is that it won't be enough for much longer. I know I can't quit (I've tried before). No matter who I am, he is a runner. Just like everything else in this sport, given time it is going to get better. I'll pick a race and get in shape. I'll run a race and get embarrassed back into serious training. I'll wake up one morning and my mind will be right. Running takes faith. Faith that all of these miles will be worth it. Faith that even though the weather is terrible, it'll be worth it. Most importantly faith in yourself. My faith is shaken, but not broken. Never broken.
I'll be the old me again...
Keep it up!
I should be back. My leg seems fine, I'm healthy, not a good excuse to be found. But, I just don't want it yet. Every night I set an alarm for 5:00 am so I can get up and run. Every morning, I reset it for 6:30 so I barely have time to finish a bowl of cereal and hit the road. So I have to run after work, and it seems like a chore. I helped pace a friend of mine in the Clarksville Half Marathon last weekend, and I thought I was pumped and ready to go after that. Nope...
Who am I? I am definitely not the same guy who was training for Memphis last year. I've retained a surprising amount of my fitness, but none of my drive. Once I start a run I am fine. The problem seems to be starting. I know once I string some consecutive days together it will get easier and easier, even routine. I know I'm happier when I'm running in the morning and logging a lot of miles. So why haven't I strung together many consecutive days? Why aren't I running in the morning and logging a lot of miles? I have no idea. That's just not who I am right now. Right now running 5 days a week (or even less) and only 5 miles a run (or even less) seems like enough.
What I do know is that it won't be enough for much longer. I know I can't quit (I've tried before). No matter who I am, he is a runner. Just like everything else in this sport, given time it is going to get better. I'll pick a race and get in shape. I'll run a race and get embarrassed back into serious training. I'll wake up one morning and my mind will be right. Running takes faith. Faith that all of these miles will be worth it. Faith that even though the weather is terrible, it'll be worth it. Most importantly faith in yourself. My faith is shaken, but not broken. Never broken.
I'll be the old me again...
Keep it up!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Somtimes a bad day goes good
Hello Runners!
Tomorrow is a pretty big day for Clarksville runners. Quite a few of my friends are lacing up their shoes and hitting the road. I'm nervous for them, but not as nervous as some of them are.
This little blog is about a couple of my best races, and some bad days. Hopefully it will help my some of you relax when things seem like they might be shitty. My best 10k ever was at the Alabama Relays. Two of my teammates and I drove down with our coach during our spring break. The week before we left my workouts were terrible. I slept on the floor of a freezing cold house (no electricity in the house we hadn't officially moved into yet...). I had to make about five bathroom stops during my warmup. Then, I ran a huge PR. All the pressure of wanting to run fast was gone, and I just ran. I stood in the pool at the hotel and felt joy. I called my parents (they are, after all, my biggest fans).
Tom King 2008 was another one of those days. I barely slept the night before (personal life drama too silly to be repeated here). The morning brought thunderstorms and chilly temperatures. I was already writing my excuses. I warmed up thinking about how terrible the day was going to be. Then I put on my racing flats... Every negative thought was gone, replaced by "man these flats feel good". I walked to the starting line, getting more confident. By the time the race started I was thinking about winning. As I passed the rest of the field after the turn around, I felt a surge of emotion. Not happy, or sad, just emotion. I had to reign myself in. It was unreal. I ended up winning that day. The biggest win of my "career". I may never have a win that big again.
The point of all of this rambling is that bad days can be good before you reach the finish line. Just plant one positive seed. Just run.
Keep it up!
Tomorrow is a pretty big day for Clarksville runners. Quite a few of my friends are lacing up their shoes and hitting the road. I'm nervous for them, but not as nervous as some of them are.
This little blog is about a couple of my best races, and some bad days. Hopefully it will help my some of you relax when things seem like they might be shitty. My best 10k ever was at the Alabama Relays. Two of my teammates and I drove down with our coach during our spring break. The week before we left my workouts were terrible. I slept on the floor of a freezing cold house (no electricity in the house we hadn't officially moved into yet...). I had to make about five bathroom stops during my warmup. Then, I ran a huge PR. All the pressure of wanting to run fast was gone, and I just ran. I stood in the pool at the hotel and felt joy. I called my parents (they are, after all, my biggest fans).
Tom King 2008 was another one of those days. I barely slept the night before (personal life drama too silly to be repeated here). The morning brought thunderstorms and chilly temperatures. I was already writing my excuses. I warmed up thinking about how terrible the day was going to be. Then I put on my racing flats... Every negative thought was gone, replaced by "man these flats feel good". I walked to the starting line, getting more confident. By the time the race started I was thinking about winning. As I passed the rest of the field after the turn around, I felt a surge of emotion. Not happy, or sad, just emotion. I had to reign myself in. It was unreal. I ended up winning that day. The biggest win of my "career". I may never have a win that big again.
The point of all of this rambling is that bad days can be good before you reach the finish line. Just plant one positive seed. Just run.
Keep it up!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
An argument really makes the miles fly by... and store happenings
Hello Runners!
R3 is having a Halloween sale this weekend. Nutrition products are 25% off! R3 is also filming a commercial Friday the 30th of October at 10 am. Stop by the store in your tights and you can be a commercial super star!
Had a fun run with Chuck last night. After a couple miles of normal conversation, we settled into a four mile debate about barefoot running. It was a little more heated than our usual conversations, but those miles flew by! I have been accused (on several occasions) of playing the devil's advocate. I'm not sure I do it on purpose, but it definitely happens. This time it happened like this...
Me: "Can you believe all this barefoot running talk?"
Chuck: "Actually..."
Then we went back and forth and back and forth and back again. Neither one of us successfully winning the other over. The debate ended with the run (until this morning when I emailed a little research Chuck's way) and we both settled down.
Had I run by myself it just would have been the same old run. But, instead it was actually a lot of fun. Whether we are joking around, arguing, or complaining, it is always easier to run with Chuck. That's actually true of most of the people I've run with, but these past two years have been filled with miles with Chuck. And most of those miles have been very good.
I guess the advice of the day is find someone to run with today, and then pick a fight with them...
Keep it up,
R3 is having a Halloween sale this weekend. Nutrition products are 25% off! R3 is also filming a commercial Friday the 30th of October at 10 am. Stop by the store in your tights and you can be a commercial super star!
Had a fun run with Chuck last night. After a couple miles of normal conversation, we settled into a four mile debate about barefoot running. It was a little more heated than our usual conversations, but those miles flew by! I have been accused (on several occasions) of playing the devil's advocate. I'm not sure I do it on purpose, but it definitely happens. This time it happened like this...
Me: "Can you believe all this barefoot running talk?"
Chuck: "Actually..."
Then we went back and forth and back and forth and back again. Neither one of us successfully winning the other over. The debate ended with the run (until this morning when I emailed a little research Chuck's way) and we both settled down.
Had I run by myself it just would have been the same old run. But, instead it was actually a lot of fun. Whether we are joking around, arguing, or complaining, it is always easier to run with Chuck. That's actually true of most of the people I've run with, but these past two years have been filled with miles with Chuck. And most of those miles have been very good.
I guess the advice of the day is find someone to run with today, and then pick a fight with them...
Keep it up,
R3 Running,
Monday, October 26, 2009
In the blink of an eye...
Hello Runners!
Today's topic is how fast things can go wrong...
My leg is starting to feel like a leg is supposed to. So, of course, on a run last week I managed to roll my left foot. I was pretty sure I had managed to break it in half. I rolled it one time in my college days, and ever since it has been a little touchy. I was just running along and stepped on a rock or something and... BAM!! Pain. I was furious! Finally back on track (kind of) and lost it again! I cut the run short and took the next day off. Luckily all seems to be well now.
It just goes to show you how all the preparation in the world can be derailed by a rock in the road. I was going for a very easy run the day before a half marathon a few years ago and stepped on a stick and rolled that same foot. I was, of course, in a state of panic. I managed to win the half, and my foot made it through ok. The panic was for nothing. I could have easily talked myself out of a good performance.
I guess one thing I've learned is that you can't control much outside of your body (or in it for that matter). There are going to be sudden tragedies. There are going to be colds. The weather is going to be terrible. You may even step on a rock and twist your foot. You'll run through the things you can and take time off when you need to. What I haven't learned is how to stay positive. It's one thing to say that these things are going to happen, and that they are just a part of running. It's another to believe that when it all goes wrong, but I'm working on it.
Keep it up!
Today's topic is how fast things can go wrong...
My leg is starting to feel like a leg is supposed to. So, of course, on a run last week I managed to roll my left foot. I was pretty sure I had managed to break it in half. I rolled it one time in my college days, and ever since it has been a little touchy. I was just running along and stepped on a rock or something and... BAM!! Pain. I was furious! Finally back on track (kind of) and lost it again! I cut the run short and took the next day off. Luckily all seems to be well now.
It just goes to show you how all the preparation in the world can be derailed by a rock in the road. I was going for a very easy run the day before a half marathon a few years ago and stepped on a stick and rolled that same foot. I was, of course, in a state of panic. I managed to win the half, and my foot made it through ok. The panic was for nothing. I could have easily talked myself out of a good performance.
I guess one thing I've learned is that you can't control much outside of your body (or in it for that matter). There are going to be sudden tragedies. There are going to be colds. The weather is going to be terrible. You may even step on a rock and twist your foot. You'll run through the things you can and take time off when you need to. What I haven't learned is how to stay positive. It's one thing to say that these things are going to happen, and that they are just a part of running. It's another to believe that when it all goes wrong, but I'm working on it.
Keep it up!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
"A trip to Omaha" or "My friends are all runners"
Hello Runners!
I just flew in from Omaha and boy are my arms tired. But seriously...
I spent the weekend in Omaha visiting one of my best friends. We were pretty lazy all weekend but managed to log some miles and have a lot of fun. James was one of the first people I really bonded with at Murray State. We ran a lot of races side by side (though James usually beat me in the end).
I have a some really great race memories with James. There was a 10k on the track at Arkansas State University. We took turns leading a lap at a time until James finally out kicked me (of course). At the regional cross country meet my sophomore year, James and I were tied for dead last for the first half mile or so of the race (we both finished much better than that). At the OVC track and field championships my junior year, James and I took turns leading the 10k for the first mile. At one point we heard the race announcer, over the loudspeaker, saying that it looked like we were having a pretty good time. We didn't place very well, but like the man said we had a pretty good time. There was a meet at Vanderbilt that we ran unattached from the team. I wore a Batman T-shirt, and James wore a shirt that said "here comes the dummy" on the front and "there goes the dummy" on the back. Every lap people would yell "go dummy!" and "go Batman!" We both ran PRs that night.
Most of the really important people in my life are runners. Many of them are my former teammates. It's comforting to be a part of the "tribe". Those former teammates of mine are people I know I'll always be able to count on. Something about the "trial of miles" really bonds people together. Even when we weren't running we spent most of our time as a team. We'd be at a meet all day, stuck in a van together for a few hours, and still hang out when we got home. We spent countless hours goofing off in the locker room, inventing ridiculous games. The team was the best part of running in college. Not the races. Not the times. The team. I miss the team. I'm lucky to still have some great people to run with. But, nothing will ever be like being a Murray State Racer again.
I don't know if most runners are really great people, but I've been lucky to find some of the greatest. I wish everyone could have the "team" experience. I think the world would be a better place.
I just flew in from Omaha and boy are my arms tired. But seriously...
I spent the weekend in Omaha visiting one of my best friends. We were pretty lazy all weekend but managed to log some miles and have a lot of fun. James was one of the first people I really bonded with at Murray State. We ran a lot of races side by side (though James usually beat me in the end).
I have a some really great race memories with James. There was a 10k on the track at Arkansas State University. We took turns leading a lap at a time until James finally out kicked me (of course). At the regional cross country meet my sophomore year, James and I were tied for dead last for the first half mile or so of the race (we both finished much better than that). At the OVC track and field championships my junior year, James and I took turns leading the 10k for the first mile. At one point we heard the race announcer, over the loudspeaker, saying that it looked like we were having a pretty good time. We didn't place very well, but like the man said we had a pretty good time. There was a meet at Vanderbilt that we ran unattached from the team. I wore a Batman T-shirt, and James wore a shirt that said "here comes the dummy" on the front and "there goes the dummy" on the back. Every lap people would yell "go dummy!" and "go Batman!" We both ran PRs that night.
Most of the really important people in my life are runners. Many of them are my former teammates. It's comforting to be a part of the "tribe". Those former teammates of mine are people I know I'll always be able to count on. Something about the "trial of miles" really bonds people together. Even when we weren't running we spent most of our time as a team. We'd be at a meet all day, stuck in a van together for a few hours, and still hang out when we got home. We spent countless hours goofing off in the locker room, inventing ridiculous games. The team was the best part of running in college. Not the races. Not the times. The team. I miss the team. I'm lucky to still have some great people to run with. But, nothing will ever be like being a Murray State Racer again.
I don't know if most runners are really great people, but I've been lucky to find some of the greatest. I wish everyone could have the "team" experience. I think the world would be a better place.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Meet Camille and my homecoming run

Hello again runners,
Some of you may have caught a tweet from @R3_Running introducing Camille. I thought I'd take a few minutes to expand on that introduction here.
Some of you may have caught a tweet from @R3_Running introducing Camille. I thought I'd take a few minutes to expand on that introduction here.
Camille is on a mission! She is attempting to run a race in all 50 states. So far she has Tennessee, Louisiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Alabama, North Carolina and Mississippi. R3 will be tracking her on her travels, so keep on eye on this blog, and follow her progress on Twitter. If you happen to know a great race for her to run (and maybe some nice folks she can stay with, racing all over the country isn't cheap you know!) please let us know.
I actually ran a race myself last week. Not surprisingly, it wasn't all that impressive. Murray State hosted its 28th annual Homecoming Run 5k on Friday. My parents were in town to visit, so I thought it would be fun for them to stand in the rain and watch me run a mediocre race. Who wouldn't love that? Actually, my parents are crazy about running in general and my running in particular (even though neither of them have ever run a race). They couldn't have been happier, and as always, were a magnificent pit crew. Much to my disappointment two of the current pack of Murray State Racer cross country team members were on hand. I had settled for third before the race started. I know that sounds pessimistic, but I was truly only there for fun, and I had eaten Matt B's pizza for lunch a mere two hours before the gun went off. It is my favorite pizza, but a terrible pre-race meal. I knew I was in trouble, and wasn't in "race mode" at all. I didn't even wear my singlet.
I had a cramp within a mile! A cramp!!! I've been running over half my life. I should be well beyond the eating too close to race time and getting a cramp stage! Oh well... My time was terrible even the course is about 2.8 miles. I did tell a few runners about the store, and it was fun to have my parents at a race again, even if I never really planned on doing much racing.
I'm done with PT if I keep improving. The pain in my leg is sort of hit or miss these days. I'm looking forward to maybe running some good races this winter, and hitting it hard come spring.
Keep it up!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fall is Falling!
Hello Runners!
It is definitely fall. Temperatures are dropping, the Chicago Marathon is right around the corner, and New York won't be far behind. The Clarksville Half is only a month away! R3 is celebrating fall with an R3Halloween contest on Twitter. All you have to do is give a "tweet out" to the race you'll be running on Halloween (include #R3Halloween in your tweet) and you could win a pair of Mizuno technical running gloves!
I have always loved fall running. In my high school and college years, fall meant that the most important races of the season were finally within reach. In my post collegiate days, I have always focused on fall races. All of the hard work and miles I've logged during the dog days of summer finally pay off. Last year, I used these great fall days to train for my first marathon. It is a great time to run fast and a great time to get motivated. Life on the run is a lot easier when the weather isn't working against you.
I've had a couple of PT appointments. I was a little discouraged after the first (which involved "realigning my stack of bricks" and some ultrasound). Unfortunately, after about a mile of pain free running my leg started to feel the same as it has. It continued to hurt for the rest of the week too. The second appointment consisted of some more ultrasound and some stretching. I wasn't expecting much, but to my surprise I flew through four miles pain free. I haven't run in a couple of days because I was out of town and too busy (read lazy) to get any miles in. I am hoping for the best and have another PT appointment on Friday.
Keep it up!
It is definitely fall. Temperatures are dropping, the Chicago Marathon is right around the corner, and New York won't be far behind. The Clarksville Half is only a month away! R3 is celebrating fall with an R3Halloween contest on Twitter. All you have to do is give a "tweet out" to the race you'll be running on Halloween (include #R3Halloween in your tweet) and you could win a pair of Mizuno technical running gloves!
I have always loved fall running. In my high school and college years, fall meant that the most important races of the season were finally within reach. In my post collegiate days, I have always focused on fall races. All of the hard work and miles I've logged during the dog days of summer finally pay off. Last year, I used these great fall days to train for my first marathon. It is a great time to run fast and a great time to get motivated. Life on the run is a lot easier when the weather isn't working against you.
I've had a couple of PT appointments. I was a little discouraged after the first (which involved "realigning my stack of bricks" and some ultrasound). Unfortunately, after about a mile of pain free running my leg started to feel the same as it has. It continued to hurt for the rest of the week too. The second appointment consisted of some more ultrasound and some stretching. I wasn't expecting much, but to my surprise I flew through four miles pain free. I haven't run in a couple of days because I was out of town and too busy (read lazy) to get any miles in. I am hoping for the best and have another PT appointment on Friday.
Keep it up!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
My First Day at the Store, Sciatica, and More!
Hello Runners,
Today I am working at R3. Trying to learn the ropes a little. There is so much to learn about all the the shoes, and of course, picking the right shoe for the right runner. I'll be watching and learning mostly, and helping out as much as I can. I will be bothering my coworker with a lot of questions! We are having a sale on tights this weekend. 15% off. It's a good opportunity to pick some up before it gets cold.
I actually went to the ortho last week and got a few interesting results. First, I have sciatica. Which is actually what I thought it might be. After some x-rays, I was prescribed some prednisolone, and have a PT appointment for Monday morning. It's good to finally be doing something about it, but at the same time I think it won't be an easy fix. It was stupid to wait so long. I could be training for real right now. I could be planning for the Clarksville Half Marathon. Hindsight is 20-20. We runners always seem to be learning a lot in hindsight. We are all driven to keep going by unseen forces. Unfortunately, that drive usually pushes us past when we should realistically take a break.
The second thing I learned at the ortho is that I have an extra vertebrae. It isn't the cause of any of my problems, nor does it come with any extra benefits. Just a bit of Devin trivia.
Keep it up,
Today I am working at R3. Trying to learn the ropes a little. There is so much to learn about all the the shoes, and of course, picking the right shoe for the right runner. I'll be watching and learning mostly, and helping out as much as I can. I will be bothering my coworker with a lot of questions! We are having a sale on tights this weekend. 15% off. It's a good opportunity to pick some up before it gets cold.
I actually went to the ortho last week and got a few interesting results. First, I have sciatica. Which is actually what I thought it might be. After some x-rays, I was prescribed some prednisolone, and have a PT appointment for Monday morning. It's good to finally be doing something about it, but at the same time I think it won't be an easy fix. It was stupid to wait so long. I could be training for real right now. I could be planning for the Clarksville Half Marathon. Hindsight is 20-20. We runners always seem to be learning a lot in hindsight. We are all driven to keep going by unseen forces. Unfortunately, that drive usually pushes us past when we should realistically take a break.
The second thing I learned at the ortho is that I have an extra vertebrae. It isn't the cause of any of my problems, nor does it come with any extra benefits. Just a bit of Devin trivia.
Keep it up,
Monday, September 21, 2009
A good day in Hopkinsville
Hello again runners,
R3 was out and about this weekend with some great results! A big congrats to all of the R3 runners who toed the line at the Hopkinsville YMCA Trot for Troops 5k and 10k. You can see the full results here. Kate Hover took home the gold in the women's 5k (and second overall!) while Mike Henchen ran away with the top prize in the 10k. James Holmes picked up a 2nd place age division award, which was good enough for a 4th overall in the 10k. Mike Kelley picked up the win in his age division and netted an 8th place overall in the 10k. Congrats to all of the runners!
It was a nice overcast day, but was a little windy. It threatened to rain all morning, but luckily the wet stuff held off. The folks at the Hopkinsville YMCA did a wonderful job putting on the race. In fact, I didn't hear any complaints at all. Good job guys!
I was there to help with the timing. Timing races can be pretty stressful! First, you always feel like you are missing out on the run. Second, no matter how prepared the organizers are, there are always some issues. Murphy's law in action! Runners want their times in a hurry and accurately. Even the weather can make things a nightmare! These are all things I never considered before I helped with timing. So the next time you are at a race give a big thank you to the timing folks, and take it easy on them. Chances are they have been putting out fires all morning.
As I mentioned in my last post I have been dragging around a nagging injury all year. I actually made an appointment to get it checked out! I'm pretty nervous about finding out what is going on. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one! I've put it off so long that it will be a little embarrassing to tell the Dr. how long I've been trying to run through it. I just hope he understands runners, and doesn't think I'm a complete idiot. I'll give a status update in the next post...
See you on the roads,
R3 was out and about this weekend with some great results! A big congrats to all of the R3 runners who toed the line at the Hopkinsville YMCA Trot for Troops 5k and 10k. You can see the full results here. Kate Hover took home the gold in the women's 5k (and second overall!) while Mike Henchen ran away with the top prize in the 10k. James Holmes picked up a 2nd place age division award, which was good enough for a 4th overall in the 10k. Mike Kelley picked up the win in his age division and netted an 8th place overall in the 10k. Congrats to all of the runners!
It was a nice overcast day, but was a little windy. It threatened to rain all morning, but luckily the wet stuff held off. The folks at the Hopkinsville YMCA did a wonderful job putting on the race. In fact, I didn't hear any complaints at all. Good job guys!
I was there to help with the timing. Timing races can be pretty stressful! First, you always feel like you are missing out on the run. Second, no matter how prepared the organizers are, there are always some issues. Murphy's law in action! Runners want their times in a hurry and accurately. Even the weather can make things a nightmare! These are all things I never considered before I helped with timing. So the next time you are at a race give a big thank you to the timing folks, and take it easy on them. Chances are they have been putting out fires all morning.
As I mentioned in my last post I have been dragging around a nagging injury all year. I actually made an appointment to get it checked out! I'm pretty nervous about finding out what is going on. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one! I've put it off so long that it will be a little embarrassing to tell the Dr. how long I've been trying to run through it. I just hope he understands runners, and doesn't think I'm a complete idiot. I'll give a status update in the next post...
See you on the roads,
Hopkinsville Trot for the Troops,
R3 results,
R3 Running,
Monday, September 14, 2009
An introduction
Hello readers,
My name is Devin and I have been invited to contribute to the R3 blog. I'm sure we've seen each other out on the roads or at races. The idea I have for this blog is to share information about R3 (sales, promotions, events, etc.), the local Clarksville running community, and my own personal journey in running. You may be asking yourself why you should care about what I write here. Well, maybe you shouldn't, but I think you will enjoy learning more about the Clarksville running community and events. You may even get a laugh out of some of my personal running experiences. Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, I welcome any and all comments and would love to here from you.
I am by no means a running expert. I am not a nutritionist or personal trainer. But, I have been logging miles (often a lot of miles!)for over half of my life. I ran all through middle and high school for the Firelands school district. I earned a BS from Murray State, and ran track and cross-country as a proud Racer. After a few years in Ohio, I recently returned to MSU to get my MBA. I've stuck with running all the while. Sometimes it has been good (like my debut marathon at Memphis this past December) sometimes it has been bad (I've been injured since Memphis) but all of it has made me who I am. I think I can relate to anyone who has ever logged a mile, so I hope you enjoy my posts! While you are at it, you should check out the R3 Twitter page for all kinds of running news.
Thanks for Reading
Devin Wilber
My name is Devin and I have been invited to contribute to the R3 blog. I'm sure we've seen each other out on the roads or at races. The idea I have for this blog is to share information about R3 (sales, promotions, events, etc.), the local Clarksville running community, and my own personal journey in running. You may be asking yourself why you should care about what I write here. Well, maybe you shouldn't, but I think you will enjoy learning more about the Clarksville running community and events. You may even get a laugh out of some of my personal running experiences. Only time will tell. One thing is for sure, I welcome any and all comments and would love to here from you.
I am by no means a running expert. I am not a nutritionist or personal trainer. But, I have been logging miles (often a lot of miles!)for over half of my life. I ran all through middle and high school for the Firelands school district. I earned a BS from Murray State, and ran track and cross-country as a proud Racer. After a few years in Ohio, I recently returned to MSU to get my MBA. I've stuck with running all the while. Sometimes it has been good (like my debut marathon at Memphis this past December) sometimes it has been bad (I've been injured since Memphis) but all of it has made me who I am. I think I can relate to anyone who has ever logged a mile, so I hope you enjoy my posts! While you are at it, you should check out the R3 Twitter page for all kinds of running news.
Thanks for Reading
Devin Wilber
Friday, September 11, 2009
Twitter with us at twitter.com/R3_Running
Get the most updated and latest information from our new Twitter page. Ongoing updates and info, up to date info on Races and sales and more.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The weather was awesome the last few days and hope everyone got their long run outside in.
WOW!! Labor day is coming and R3 will be open with some great sales.
Attend several Expos in SEPT and OCT
Open Youth Meet September 9th, 2009
- We would like to do a Satelite store in Hopkinsville and Paducah area. What do you think.. please let us know.. cyleste@r3running.com .
- Come check us out this weekend, we have opened the vault for winter items...
- GARMIN is here. A shipment of Garmin is on its way. So get yours as soons as you can or they will be gone..
- Let us know how your shoes are and what you like about them on the blog. More info coming very soon.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
R3 4th Anniversary 5k, Fitness Walk and Fun Run
R3 had a great run at The Island Bar and Grill. We had music, snacks, a kids table, vendors available, awesome T-shirts and vivacious Volunteers!!. It was awesome!! Check out the website to see results and soon pics will be uploaded to see the awesome medals and drawing prizes that were given out.. check us out.. We have added Moving Comfort, Newton, and Karhu running shoes and MC apparel and more. Stay tuned for more updates and sale information.
September 9th will be a Youth open Meet at Beachaven Winery. The open meet will consist of two distances, the one mile and two mile run. Sign up September 1 at the R3 Store.
Check us out on Twitter @R3_Running.
September 9th will be a Youth open Meet at Beachaven Winery. The open meet will consist of two distances, the one mile and two mile run. Sign up September 1 at the R3 Store.
Check us out on Twitter @R3_Running.
Friday, June 26, 2009
HERE WE GO!!! We are ready to Blog!!!
R3 is having a great event this weekend.. the KARHU/CRAFT vendor will be here this weekend, in addition to A Physical Therapist from High Point Rehab in Clarksville, TN; First Command, Clarksville, TN and others. Sunday we will have a small Gathering with some fingerfoods and great sales!! Hope to see you there.
physical therapist,
R3 Running,
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